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Laravel Articles

9th August 2023  •  Laravel

Reduce database queries with your own Facades

Quite often in our applications we need to run a query to retrieve some data that will be used across many different elements. Facades can be used to make this query once and have the data available for the whole application to use.

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11th February 2021  •  Laravel

How to embed essential CSS styles with a custom blade directive

Just over a month ago I took the leap and started my own YouTube channel. In this article I share my experience so far and what I've learnt during the process.

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17th January 2021  •  Laravel

Creating a Markdown Driven Blog using Laravel 8

In this post I’m going to walk you through how I created this website using Markdown files with Laravel 8, and why I chose to go that route instead of a blogging platform like Wordpress or Ghost.

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7th January 2021  •  Laravel

How I Deploy My Laravel Website With Envoy

In this article I show you how I deploy this very website using Laravel Envoy - a task running tool that uses blade syntax.

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5th January 2021  •  Laravel

Using Observers in Laravel to perform actions on model state change and clean up your code

Quite often you will need to perform actions when a model is created or changed. Say you have a Posts model, you might want to send notifications of the new post to subscribers, or you might want to notify an admin every time a post is edited.

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